Yellow Dog Services, LLC.
"Open Your Land to Enjoyment"
As an alternative to bulldozing, cedar clearing and mulching actually promotes grass growth, soil retention, less soil disturbance and the benefit of keeping your ground cooler and retaining moisture longer. Mulching, as a process, is similar to adding compost when native cedar and other mulch eventually breaks down and helps form new soils and is part of the carbon cycle. We know there's a lot of contractors mulching these days, but we are different and have been doing it for over 22 years in Bandera and surrounding areas.
Oak Wilt is real and it is the most devastating tree disease in Central Texas. It's not a matter of if, but when you will be affected by this dreadful disease. What is oak wilt? Well, it isn't a virus or ball moss, but rather a fungus (Bretziella fagacearum) that infects and grows in an oak tree which leads to wilting and eventual death in about 90% of live oaks and 100% of red oaks. White oaks have some greater resistance but can still be infected and decline over time. We can often help slow the underground spread of oak wilt in live oak mottes.
When we are not clearing and mulching cedar in our hometown around Bandera, we are playing in the dirt. We can clear cedar, build roads, excavate, trench, tear things down, and move boulders. We can repair earthen dams, install culverts, and help with erosion or clean up years' worth of trash. We've built miles of roads and recently resumed rock crushing. We know what works and what doesn't after more than 27 years of moving earth in the Hill Country.
Though we have been mulching for over 22 years, we still operate a tree shear. Utilizing a hydraulic tree shear is a proven method of quickly clearing cedar and other trees. It's especially useful for surgical removal of trees. If you have a wildlife exemption, part of your activity plan should include creating habitat or brush piles and selectively shearing cedars satisfies both brush control and the habitat activities. We can show you how to use brush piles to slow erosion, too. We are ranch owners and have wildlife and ag property so we understand the requirements and can assist you in meeting your goals. We can also set up burn piles if you prefer to burn or the budget doesn't allow for mulching.